There is a great deal of information out there about the use of essential oils for drug detoxification. In this article I’m going to give you my opinion on what they are and their usefulness in the healing process. It’s important to realize that no one is telling you to start using them, but if used in moderation they can be a wonderful way to feel better and feel less “crazey”.
What is an essential oil? An essential oil is a natural fragrance oil derived from plants like lavender and rose that has been extracted from the leaves. There are literally hundreds of types of these fragrances, so it’s important to research and decide what your particular needs are before you start using any of them.
As with all of the extracts derived from plants, essential oils can have many different properties. For instance, some of them have antibacterial, antiviral, and other benefits that can help in the detoxification process. Some oils have stimulant properties, others are relaxing, and others are analgesic. Some of them are quite similar to each other in their scent.
Many of the most popular essential oils for drug detoxhement include basil and eucalyptus, both of which have many uses. Basil helps with depression, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, and even insomnia. Eucalyptus can reduce nausea, and it’s antiseptic properties can also help with nausea. Both of these are commonly found in many of the other essential oils for drug detoxhement.
Ginger is a natural antibiotic. It has been used for centuries to treat many common illnesses. People have even been known to use it as a tea to treat intestinal problems. Because it contains gingerols, it also has antibiotic properties. Many of the other herbal essential oils for drug detoxhement contain gingerols.
Lemon balm is an essential oil that has soothing properties. When mixed with olive oil, it is very effective in providing relief from headaches, stomach problems, and depression. If you are trying to quit smoking, taking this oil combined with lemon oil can be a great way to kick the habit.
Rosemary is also known as the Rose of Sharon, which is a very strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic ant. plant that can be used to treat sinusitis, headaches, cramps, and even hemorrhoids. When it is applied topically it works as a cough suppressant.
So as you can see, there are many benefits to using essential oils for drug detoxhement. Whether you are using them internally or externally, it is important that you learn as much about them as possible before you begin to use them, as you don’t want to have any adverse effects.
When using essential oils for detoxhement they must be properly diluted, which is easy if you have some carrier oil that you can add a bit of to your bath water. You can either buy oil in bottles or make your own. All it takes is a drop or two of one type of oil to saturate a cotton ball or swab. into the cotton ball.
Next, apply this oil to the affected area, preferably with the cotton swab, and allow it to sit for a few minutes. You may also use your tongue to inhale the scent and hold it in your mouth for a few minutes. before spitting it out. It is best to do both of these things at night, when you are sleeping.
Another thing you need to know is that you should not leave these oils on too long. Some people have had unpleasant side effects such as tingling, itching, and burning. This is because the essential oils cause an allergic reaction in the skin. That is why it is important that you dilute them first, then put them on a cotton swab, and hold the cotton ball for a minute before you apply them to the skin.
The last thing to know about essential oils for detoxhement is that they are not something that should be used more than once per week. Many people claim that the scents of the oils cause drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting, so it is a good idea to dilute them as soon as you get home from the office.